Author: Manuel Blechschmidt
- (ere-ps-app) und COVID-19 Impfzertifikatsfrontend (dgc-ps-app) nicht anfällig für Log4Shell
Da weder ere-ps-app noch dgc-ps-app log4j nutzen, sind beide System nicht anfällig für CVE-2021-44228.
Gemeinsam die Digitalisierung im Gesundheitswesen voranbringen
DENS und kooperieren: Das E-Rezept für Zahnärzte Berlin, 11. Mai 2021 – Der Praxissoftwarehersteller für Zahnärzte DENS stellt sich gemeinsam mit den aktuellen Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung im Gesundheitssektor: […]
Digitalisierung schneller voranbringen. Gemeinsam etwas bewegen.
Ein Komplettpaket für das E-Rezept mit eRiXa© und Berlin, 30. April 2021 – Das E-Rezept kommt. Nur wann genau ist nicht mehr so sicher. Für alle first mover gibt […]
PopUpPlaces – Mob Programming for pop up restaurants app for FarmHack 2020
In this post I want to share some insights about our approach for development and the product that we created for FarmHack 2020. We were a team of 7 people […]
Flutter the rising star for Multiexperience Development Platforms
For multiple projects I am currently evaluating a lot of different technologies in the mobile space. A typical decision that a project manager for mobile applications has to take is […]
Serverless domain app store using ipfs and ethereum for a new decentralized Platform-as-a-Service
This blog post will describe some ideas around building a serverless app store that can be used to write web applications and extensions for every domain on the internet.
Safer Cyling – using car accident data to find safe routes in Koblenz
This blog post will contain a description of the routing algorithm that was implemented on the 23.11. – 25.11.2018 on the debeka hackquarter to find safer cycling routes in Koblenz. It […]
Microservices service discovery and configuration with DNS
If you are aiming for a microservice architecture everything is easy as long as the services do not have to communicate with each other. When this is necessary the services […]
Visualizing my trips from Google Maps with
In this blog post I will post a visualization of my trips between 2015 and 2018 mainly in germany. Further it contains the Java code that I used to convert […]
Visualizing farmland property prices in germany based on 2016 sales with
In this blog post I will tell a small data story about farmland prices based on data of 2016. The data is mainly given by Statisches Bundesamt and Bundesanstalt für […]