Category: Optimization
PopUpPlaces – Mob Programming for pop up restaurants app for FarmHack 2020
In this post I want to share some insights about our approach for development and the product that we created for FarmHack 2020. We were a team of 7 people […]
Softskills in project management
This article will give a short introduction about softskills and stress management in a project. This is necessary because if projects fail then in 80% of the cases it is […]
Workforce organzation and management for real world teams outside of IT
In the IT world we have a lot of systems to organize our daily business. Process models tell us how to do our work but what about models for outside […]
The most important software piece the domain model
This blog post will elaborate on the most important part of a good software system: the domain model. As everybody knows business software is for IT alignment making sure that […]
Don’t be inefficient by accident 5 productivity tools you should use
This blog post will explain some tools that me and my team at Incentergy are applying for exceptional productivity. Most of them are not specific for IT and can be […]
Explaining scrum as a baseball game
Scrum is the most suitable process model when developing a product. This blog post will illustrate the different roles with metaphors from a baseball game. Photo by
Marketing Controlling
In our google analytics I saw that for “marketing controlling” and “online business blog” our incentergy pages are often shown but not often clicked because we are not shown on […]
How to get the best price on ebay and get cheap gas. Optimal stopping strategies.
There are a lot of problems in the real world about perceiving the correct chance. Studies show that we humans are biased by fast decisions and that we are sometimes […]
Big data architecture patterns for performance
This blog post will give some overview of how to build a high performance architecture to process your data. Some real benchmarks conducted by Incentergy will be explained and how […]